Invited letter member meeting between ATTA & THA on Tue.27 Feb. 2018 at Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel, Bangkok ( Kindly return the Acceptance Form to the ATTA within 22 Feb.2018 ) | ATTA


ATTA > Atta News > Invited letter member meeting between ATTA & THA on Tue.27 Feb. 2018 at Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel, Bangkok ( Kindly return the Acceptance Form to the ATTA within 22 Feb.2018 )

To all ATTA members,

The Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA) and Thai Hotels Association (THA) would like to invite all members to participate in the 16th Annual Meeting 2018 on Tuesday, 27 February, 2018, in the Grand Ballroom, Grand Hyatt Erawan Hotel, Bangkok, from 15.00 Hrs. to 18.00 Hrs.

This is a special meeting for members of both associations, as members will be honoured with the presence of H.E. Mr. Weerasak Kowsurat, Minister of Tourism and Sports, who will officially open the meeting. There will also be a special talk by Mr.Thunyawat Chaitrakul, the marketing guru of the SME Tee Tak TV show, who will reinforce the knowledge for members.

Therefore, ATTA would like to invite all members to attend the meeting on the aforementioned date, time and venue. In addition, for this event, ATTA can only accept 200 members.

If members are interested, kindly return the Acceptance Form to the ATTA Head Office by fax (02-237-6045) or by E-mail ( by Thursday, 22 February, 2018. Only one (1) person per company will be accepted and no accompanying persons allowed. ATTA will reply to confirm your acceptance, as evidence of your attendance. This will be on a first-come-first-serve basis.


ATTA would like to thank all members for their continuous support of the Association’s activities.

This is therefore for members’ information.



*** Send by Email ***

Mr.Vichit Prakobgosol


Download : Invited Letter ATTA & THA Tuesday, 27 February, 2018

