ATTA Monthly Meeting Thursday, 31 August, 2017, in the Watergate Ballroom A-B, 6th Floor, Amari Watergate Hotel, Pratunam | ATTA


ATTA > Atta News > ATTA Monthly Meeting Thursday, 31 August, 2017, in the Watergate Ballroom A-B, 6th Floor, Amari Watergate Hotel, Pratunam

To all members,

The Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA) will conduct the meeting for the month of August 2017 on Thursday, 31 August, 2017, in the Watergate Ballroom A-B, 6th Floor, Amari Watergate Hotel, Pratunam, Bangkok, from 10.00 Hrs to 12.00 Hrs.


For this meeting, ATTA has arranged a special lecture on the topic “Marketing 4.0: Entering New Markets in ASEAN” to be given by Ms. Yuwadee Nirattrakul, Director of the Market Research Division, Tourism Authority of Thailand. This will allow members to receive information and knowledge that will benefit them for their business operations.

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ATTA would like to invite all members to attend the meeting on the aforementioned date, time and venue. Following the meeting, we would like to invite you to a luncheon. As such, members (1 person/company) have the right to attend the meeting and luncheon free; accompanying persons pay 800 Baht/person.  Kindly return the Acceptance Form to the ATTA Head Office by fax (02-237-6045) or e-mail (


This is therefore for members’ information.



Mr.Vichit Prakobgosol



Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA)

33/42-43 Wall Street Tower 10th Fl.,Surawong Rd.,

Suriyawong, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 THAILAND.

Tel: +66 2 237 6046 – 8

Fax: +66 2 237 6045


Website :

Facebook Fanpage :  ATTA Thailand

Download attachment:  1.ATTA Monthly Meeting 2.Acceptance of Attending the Monthly Meeting of August 2017 
                                 3.Agenda - Aug.2017 4.Minutes of the meeting



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